Miss management 2
Miss management 2

The sunken rain catching basins along Ramona are considered parks, but they don’t have a spectacular old amazing healthy green live oak tree living there. Well the tree has a trunk that’s 5 feet across and the low sprawling branches are easily 2 and 3 feet in diameter which they would have to be to extend the canopy out over the lot by 30 and 40 feet shading 1/3 of the entire lot. So 53 units turned into 154 units with only 1 or 1.5 unassigned parking spaces. It’s tucked away behind the huge chevron gas station off grand avenue and a hair salon and another commercial building off 13th street and a privacy fence that runs along between grand Avenue and long branch street and only the huge canopy can be seen if you look up over the buildings. Where will visitors park and couple or families with 2 cars park? Anyway, the tree has been greatly down played and know one knows about the tree. The city of Grover Beach has found a loop hole to get out of its promise to protect the oldest biggest oak tree on the central coast by handing off to an out of county builder that will team up with section 8 and tag the 53 unit project as very low and low income apartment and or condo units and apply the max density bonus unit formula to build 2 three story buildings to form an L shape mass and also another bonus to the team owner builder and manager don’t have to supply more that one parking space. Re: “ Grover Beach supports proposed affordable housing project”

Miss management 2